Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's Gonna Be a Hot One!

You know, I understand when people say that back home, I understand when people say that in mild places, but I have no idea why people say that in southeast Virginia because EVERY DAY IS A HOT ONE!!  Not only is it hot, it is extremely humid.  We are talking 85 degrees and 72% humidity overnight.  It is just unreal the amount of sweat I can expell while doing nothing but stand or sit.  I mean who thought I could become dehydrated while driving to work?!  Or that my body can produce enough sweat to cause my bra to temporarily stain my skin blue?!  Or that I can sweat immediately after exiting the shower?!  Or that a gear shift button can give you a 2nd degree burn?!

This weather has also pushed my runs to 7:30/8:00 pm, increased my febreeze usage, and placed more Gatorade in my pantry than I'd care to admit.  But perhaps I'm losing a good amount of water weight... I am seriously trying to loose weight after my primary care physician told me that I was overweight and my weight appears to be on an upward projection.  With that, I have been exercising regularly and have started to actually cook for myself!  Thanks to great ideas from friends and family I've been able to eat at home for pretty much every meal :)  I don't own a scale and I am hoping to judge my progress by the way my clothes fit - I cannot afford to buy a whole new set of work khakis so this plan needs to work! 

In the meantime I have never been so happy and thankful to have central AC and live in a place that provides long term outdoor weight loss activities.  I will continue to log my progress, stay hydrated, and pray for a cold front!


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